LAWS/Pro: New Invoice Formating Options

Several new Invoice Options have been incorporated into LAWS/Pro. Please review the following links for a brief explanation, and demonstration, of each.
Summarize Expenses: LAWS/Pro provides the ability to summarize EXPENSE transactions into a single line item per bill code. VIEW DEMO
Show Available Retainer Balance: LAWS/Pro may be configured to automatically apply "On-Account" payments (Retainers stored in the General account), or "Trust Retainers" against client invoices. This option specifies it the remaining balance, AFTER APPLICATION AGAINST THE CURRENT INVOICE, should be reflected on the current invoice. VIEW DEMO
"Expanded" AR Balance Option: LAWS/Pro may be configured to print the past due, Accounts Receivable balance on the current invoice. This option has been expanded to print a small schedule noting the balance due as of the last statement, total payments and/or adjustments applied against this balance, yielding a balance due as of the current invoice. VIEW DEMO
"Summary" Cover Letter Option: LAWS/Pro may be configured to print an invoice Cover Letter. Prior to this modification, the cover letter included a complete summary of charges pertaining to each matter. This modification condenses this summary into a single line per matter. VIEW DEMO
"Fee Discount Percent" Invoice Option: If desired LAWS/Pro may be configured to deduct a percentage discount from fees. VIEW DEMO
"Show Discount Verbiage" Invoice Option: If the invoiced fees are reduced -- through either a "Fee Override" or a "Fee Discount Percent", users now have the option of displaying and describing the computed discount. VIEW DEMO

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