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Virtual Administration
Professionals at small companies rightly determine that the best use of their time should be devoted to the performance of billable client services rather than to non-billable administration. Virtual administration, combined with web-based accessibility, provides the professional with a cost effective means to offload time-consuming administrative tasks to a trained LAWS/Pro professional.
The need for administrative support becomes apparent when one realizes that most professionals dread administrative tasks. Since these duties erode billable time, professionals often delegate them to overworked secretaries who then postponed them until "free time" is available. This results in outdated, unreliable, and possibly meaningless internal management and accounting information.
The solution to this problem lies in the sincere desire of the company to improve its internal administration coupled with an integrated, high-quality, web-based time & billing practice management application coordinated by a strong relationship with a professional virtual office administrator.
A virtual administrator is a live person thoroughly familiar with company operating procedures and trained in the efficient use of technology. They perform standard administrative tasks and monitor the company's performance remotely through the Internet, shifting the burden of administration away from the professional and secretary.
Typical tasks which may be efficiently delegated to the Virtual Administrator consist of:
Reconcile cash accounts to bank statements.   more...
Review of work in process balances combined with review of entry and billing procedures.   more...
Review of delinquent accounts receivable balances with emphasis on collection of aging debt.   more...
Review and analysis of actual performance to pre-defined budget expectations.   more...
Review of the reasonability of posted general ledger activity.   more...
Regardless of the system employed, the professional and staff are required to maintain a calendar, record billable time, write checks, post deposits, and generate bills. Administrative duties falling outside the scope of this required activity can be efficiently delegated to the virtual administrator whose effective oversight can significantly streamline the company's performance, reduce redundancy, and eliminate the intrusiveness of these required tasks.

DeskTop Business Solutions maintains a list of Virtual Administration Partners who can assist you in optimizing your efforts and maximizing your profits. Contact us for more information and referrals.